The Assam Kaziranga University

Guwahati’s 44-year-old Bikramjyoti Das is not a typical man. Others might lose up on their aspirations and dreams after encountering an unanticipated disaster. But Bikram, who went blind at the age of 33 due to an industrial accident in Mangalore while working for a private company, pushed through life’s obstacles and succeeded in reaching the Everest base camp on October 27, becoming the team’s sole blind trekker.

Despite having sight impairments, Bikram persisted in “opening the eyes” of others. Before taking on the challenge of travelling to the Everest base camp, Das interacted with blind people and learned about their struggles, limitations, and obstacles. He also learned the skills of hiking, trekking with the help of his family, walking up and down stairs, and moving around his home.

Das is the only visually challenged person to take this perilous yet courageous step, and by overcoming his impairment, he is serving as an inspiration to others.

“Many people are unaware of their actual capabilities. I’m confident that many people are capable of considerably more than they now do,” said Das.

Bikram speaks with a positive, resolute tone. He believes in his capacity and has made it his life’s work to take on new challenges. Despite being functionally blind, he places a high emphasis on doing things that others cannot see.

The Assam Kaziranga University