The Assam Kaziranga University

Two Tangkhul athletes from Manipur’s Ukhrul District will compete in Miss Asia 2022, which will be held in the Maldives from July 16 to 21, and Miss World 2022, which will be hosted in either Singapore or Indonesia.

Solon Jajo of Leishi village in Katho (XII appeared, Alice Christian Hr. Sec School) and Solimla Jajo of Kasom Khullen (XII appeared, Sacred Heart Hr. Sec School) have been selected for Miss Asia and Miss World 2022 in the Sr. Women Model Physique in different categories.

On May 22, 2022, the mentioned trial selection was held in Himachal Pradesh.

“A proud moment for Katho Katamnao Long and Tangkhul community as a whole, we are indeed delighted and pleased to announce that out of nine athletes from Manipur, only one failed to get a slot in Team INDIA,” said President Katho Katamnao Long Mashungmi Zingkhai.

He added, “We wish them the very best in all their future endeavours.”

The Indian Bodybuilding team has selected eight Manipur athletes for the 54th Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship and the 13th WBPF World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship 2022.

“Initially I didn’t know how to react when she approached me with the idea of participating in the competition. My first thought was what effect it would have on her studies. I didn’t want her to miss out on her classes and studies too, but as she sat down with me and explained everything in detail, she convinced me and as a parent, I didn’t want to burst her bubble and come between her ambitions. Eventually, it dawned on me that education doesn’t only mean the classroom knowledge but all aspects of living” said Bernice Jajo, Solan’s mother, in an interview with Ukhrul Times.

The Assam Kaziranga University