The Assam Kaziranga University

Diverse attempts of thefts have been reported in the peripheries of the Public Health complex area of Guwahati’s Hengrabari, recently.

On Sunday, January 9, a thief tried to enter into a Public Health Engineering Quarter Number 242 at around 9.30 PM. But, the locals were alert and caught the thief red-handed and tied him to a pole, and later handed the thief over to Dispur Police.

Earlier, on January 1, in a similar episode in the same area the thieves had broken into a house and had packed clothes and other valuable items to steal. However, according to what a neighbour of that area told G Plus, the thieves had taken a break to cook Khichdi.

The neighbour said, “We heard noises in the quarter. I immediately shouted and alerted the locals. Those inside the quarter ran away. As we entered the house, we saw they had cooked Khichdi and had prepared dinner.”

A senior official at Dispur Police Station acknowledged that the cases of thefts have increased in the area, and taking action regarding the same, the police have boosted patrols in that area.

The Assam Kaziranga University