The Assam Kaziranga University

The cost of air travel is rising as a result of the torrential rainfall that has shut down railway lines and roadways across the northeastern states.

The cost of a flight from Silchar to Guwahati is approximately Rs 31000.

In a tweet, Dr. Rajdeep Roy, a member of Parliament, raised the problem of rising airline ticket prices, demanding authorities to intervene.

Dr. Roy tweeted, “With railways & roadways disrupted due to heavy rains and landslides I m stunned to see #silchar-#guwahati airfare reach 31000/- for a 25 min flight for 300km!”

“This issue of ticket pricing needs to be addressed immediately!” added the tweet.

In his tweet, the MP mentioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister of Civil Aviation J M Scindia, and the Airport Authority of India.

The Assam Kaziranga University