The Assam Kaziranga University

In a groundbreaking achievement, Prateek Talukdar, a young talent hailing from Assam, has emerged victorious as he secures the coveted International Fitness and Bodybuilding (IFBB) Federation Pro Card in Europe. This remarkable feat marks a significant milestone for both Talukdar and his home state, as reported by various sources.

Announcing his remarkable accomplishment on his Instagram account, Talukdar expressed his joy and gratitude, stating, “I did it… Har Har Mahadev. The first-ever Indian to win an IFBB Pro Card in Europe. A proud moment for India and my motherland Assam.”

Talukdar went on to extend his appreciation to Jamie Do Rogo for the unwavering support and guidance provided throughout his journey. He acknowledged Rogo’s significant role, remarking, “I would like to thank @ifbbprojamiedorego for his constant support and guidance. He is the condition king… Thanks for believing in me and bringing out the best in me. You are not just a coach anymore; you are my mentor and guide. There are bigger things lined up for us together, and I can confidently say that our journey has just begun.”

Grateful for the assistance he received in a foreign country, Talukdar expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Rishav Sarma Bardalai, emphasizing the crucial role played during his recent endeavors. “Special thanks to @rishav_sarma_bardalai for all that he has done for me in the last couple of days. Without him by my side, this would have been incredibly challenging in a different country. Love you bro; you deserve equal credit,” Talukdar wrote.

Additionally, Talukdar acknowledged his support system, expressing his sincere appreciation for Mrs. Bread Barbell, his loved ones, and his little munchkins @the_hyper_wombmates and @my_name_is_dimmu, along with all those who believed in his abilities.

The International Fitness and Bodybuilding (IFBB) Federation, founded in Canada in 1946, serves as the governing body for the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness. Boasting 203 member nations, it stands as one of the largest and most active international sports federations worldwide. With a comprehensive mandate, the IFBB assumes responsibility for the management and regulation of fitness and bodybuilding globally.

The Assam Kaziranga University