The Assam Kaziranga University

The Guwahati Smart City Limited (GSCL) plans to implement an integrated traffic management system (ITMS) encompassing 95 junctions in the city at a cost of roughly Rs 100 crore to enable proper management and surveillance of traffic.

The project is anticipated to be finished by 2023. To address the city’s severe traffic issues, the GSCL initially intended to implement an integrated command and control centre (ICCC) in 2020, but eventually abandoned that idea.

According to sources at GSCL, the police have provided a list of intersections where traffic lights and cameras should be installed. The first phase will cover a minimum of 22 junctions, while the second phase will cover the remaining junctions.

The ITMS project has reportedly been given to a Delhi-based business called Onnyx Electronisys Pvt. Ltd., which claims 17 years of experience in traffic signal control, according to sources in the urban affairs department.

The Assam Kaziranga University