The Assam Kaziranga University

Badruddin Ajmal, the leader of the AIUDF, asserted on Thursday that his ancestors were Hindus.

“My forefathers were Hindu. Due to the atrocities by a small group of Hindus, many Muslims like my forefathers had to convert themselves into Islam,” said Ajmal.

He added, however, that they were not forced into becoming Hindus.

Further, the Lok Sabha MP from Assam’s Dhubri constituency, taking a dig at the RSS and the BJP, said, “The agenda of Hindu Rashtra is a political gimmick that these 5 per cent Hindus use as a political tool to gain votes. It will forever remain a dream.”

Ajmal had earlier urged Muslims in Assam to fulfil their religious obligations by offering other animals as “Qurbani” instead of cows.

The Assam Kaziranga University