The Assam Kaziranga University

The textbook review committee in Karnataka has decided to include chapters on the Ahom Dynasty of Assam.

The committee has decided to remove material that considers being Tippu Sultan’s ‘glorification.’ When referring to Tippu Sultan, the committee will remove phrases such as “Tiger of Mysuru” and “Freedom fighter.”

The committee opted to adhere to the facts and leave out the opinions and praise regarding past rulers.

In the revised syllabus, the committee has chosen to include chapters on Kashmir’s Karkota Dynasty and Assam’s Ahom Dynasty.

Not only Tippu but also Babar and Tughlaq topics will also be scrutinised during textbook revision. The amount of space given to these kings will be reduced.

Textbooks will also be eliminated with lengthy pages about the Mughal Empire. The textbook will only have a brief chapter on Mughals.

The textbook revising committee is led by Rohit Chakrathirtha. He said, “Whether it’s Tippu or Shivaji, wherever we have found glorification that’s not the truth, we have decided to stick to neutral and straight facts. A lot of aspects on Tippu were not true, we are dropping it in textbooks from class 6 to class 10.”

The Congress has slammed the BJP, accusing them of saffronizing history books. They said, “Current history books do not support their narrative. They have never been part of any historical struggle or independence struggle. They are trying to retrofit their icons into our history books.”

The Assam Kaziranga University