The Assam Kaziranga University

Even though the Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) claims to be making efforts to manage waste properly, the issue of garbage collection and disposal in Guwahati has remained horrendous.

The area below the Khanapara flyover, the road connecting Jayanagar to the NH, the Tripura Road, and a few other places are the clearest example of the authority’s failure to handle garbage properly.

Many residents of the city have taken to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the authorities.

One user posting a picture of roadside garbage on Road connecting Jayanagar to NH, Tripura Road, tweeted, “There must a valid reason for dumping on the road side!”

In reply to that one user wrote, “This, and then the one at Khanapara, below the flyover. These spots are only cleared thoroughly when some major dignitaries like PM or President sets foot. Else, its BAU.”

Another user wrote, “I’m surprised and shamed at the way @gmc_guwahati @TheAshokSinghal @DCKamrupMetro functioning when it comes to garbage disposal. It’s not only one area, in Sreenagar area too, garbage collected from other areas are being dumped at bylanes. What’s wrong?”

Meanwhile, the NDA, which recently won the GMC polls, promised scientific waste management. However, no noticeable action has been taken thus far.

The Assam Kaziranga University