The Assam Kaziranga University

The Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) is planning to construct a ten-story parking space on MS Road in Guwahati’s Fancy Bazaar.

JN Khatoniar, GMDA’s Senior Technical Advisor, told the media on January 20 that, along with the Botanical Garden on the Old Fancy Bazaar Jail campus, the GMDA plans to build a ten-story ramp-up parking and commercial centre on 14 bighas of land on MS Road.

The senior technical advisor of GMDA, Khatoniar said, “We are making a concept plan for this. Each floor will have a parking space and commercial space. A person going to shop on the tenth floor can drive till the floor and park the car directly.”

With a parking capacity of 1,000 vehicles, the building will contain 65 percent parking and 35 percent commercial space.

Besides, at the junctions of Hem Baruah Road and MS Road, as well as Hem Baruah Road and Kedar Road, the GMDA has planned two roundabouts or rotaries.

The Assam Kaziranga University