The Assam Kaziranga University

Assam’s Elvis Ali Hazarika has made history by becoming the first person from North East India to swim the Indo Arabian Gateway Mumbai Circle with his relay team.

Hazarika swam the entire distance of 200 kilometres in 50 hours.

“Today, I have achieved a milestone as I’ve completed the biggest swim of my open water swimming career,” Hazarika said.

According to Hazarika, the journey was difficult as he had to swim alongside large fish, jellyfish, snakes, and dolphins in the Arabian Sea. In some places, he had to swim against a strong current.

Hazarika said, “The creek was very dangerous usually at night. It was certainly very exhausting, but I along with my teammates did our best.”

“I would like to thank the Maharashtra Swimming Association, the Government of Maharashtra and Mumbai Police for their cooperation. Without them, this swim would not have been possible,” he added.

The swimmer expressed his gratitude to the people of Assam, saying, “I also thank each and every person from my motherland for always blessing and supporting me.”

The Assam Kaziranga University