The Assam Kaziranga University

During a live stream, the YouTube account of Assam’s ‘TIME8’ digital news station was hacked.

‘Revolution PK,’ a Pakistan-based hacker organization, was responsible.

On Thursday, the Pakistani hacker group replaced the live feed with the Pakistani flag and ran the lines, “Respect The Holy Prophet (PBUH) Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W.”

During the news broadcast, the hackers displayed the Pakistani flag on the screen, along with the words “Hacked by Revolution PK.”

The channel issued a statement in this regard, stating, “On June 9, during a live news stream, the TIME8’s transmission was disturbed and while a breaking news segment was on the air, the screen was replaced with Pakistan’s flag and a hymn running in the background saying praises for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The ticker of the live screen was also replaced with ‘Respect Holy Prophet (PBUH)’ text, highlighting the recent blasphemous incident.”

It should be noted that fired BJP spokeswoman Nupur Sharma made obscene remarks against Prophet Muhammad only a few days ago. Several protests are also taking place around India regarding this.

Source: Twitter
The Assam Kaziranga University