The Assam Kaziranga University

Assamese mountaineer Hedayet Ali, who lives in the United States, has scaled Mount Vinson, the tallest mountain in Antarctica’s snowy region, and flown the “phulam gamosa” there.

Hedayet Ali Himankar, a member of the guerrilla adventure sports group EXPLORERS, accomplished this amazing achievement as he continued his journey during the bitter 45 degree winter.

Ali accomplished this achievement on December 24, but because of communication problems, Hedayet Ali’s success wasn’t publicised until December 31.

It is important to note that Ali has already been successful in scaling the other five highest peaks on all five continents. Prior to then, the highest mountain in the world, at 29,035 feet, was located in Asia, followed by the highest mountain in southern America, at 22,838 feet, the highest mountain in Africa, at 19,341 feet, and the highest mountain in Europe.

The Assam Kaziranga University