The Assam Kaziranga University

From now on, only the language ‘Bangla’ or Bengali is to be used in Barak Valley, Assam. The language ‘Axomiya’ or Assamese will not be allowed to use in banners, posters, hoardings or Governmental advertisements in Assam’s Barak Valley.

According to reports, all Assamese language hoardings have been removed from Assam’s Barak Valley, and have been accordingly replaced by the Bangla language.

Recently, another controversy regarding a government hoarding was prevailing, where Barak Democratic Front (BDF) President Pradip Dutta Roy has issued an ultimatum of 48 hours to the district authority to replace government advertisement carrying an Assamese script with a Bengali one, saying that it violates The Assam Official Language (Amendment) Act, 1961.

Hence, the hoarding was removed on Friday, November 26. Further, BDF President Pradip Dutta Roy also mentioned all Assamese language posters must be replaced by Bengali ones within the prescribed 48 hours.

The Assam Kaziranga University