The Assam Kaziranga University

Assam police are now distributing gamusa to the traffic violators and are requesting them to wear helmets.

Despite imposing fine worth lakhs of rupees, the traffic violations continue; to put a restraint on these violations, the police in Kamrup district’s Baihata Chariali on Monday felicitated the violators with a gamusa instead of imposing fine on them, in a hope that the violators realize of their mistakes.

The Assam Government recently had made helmets compulsory for both the rider and the pillion rider.

Following up on this directly, in recent weeks, Assam police have come down heavily against the violators. The police initiated various drives in Guwahati to make the violators realize their mistakes.

Despite several awareness campaigns, the problem of people riding without helmets has emerged as a major issue as people continue to break rules.

The Assam Kaziranga University