The Assam Kaziranga University

A woman with her two months old baby daughter tries to kill herself by jumping from the roof of a Masjid in the Morigaon district of Assam on Wednesday, November 24.

Allegedly, the woman’s husband identified as Riyazuddin and his family physically and mentally tortured her who two months ago gave birth to a baby girl. She was locked in a room for three days and was not given food and water.

Wednesday morning while her husband and brothers were away from home, she broke the lock and somehow escaped. She directly went to the newly constructed masjid of the village and climbed up to the roof along with her infant daughter. She then demanded to immediately arrest her husband and his family.

Then, the woman asked local people to give her justice or otherwise she would jump from the roof with her infant.

Later, the local people of the village called the police but she refused to get down before the arrest of Riyazuddin and his family.

After some negotiations with the woman, the Jaluguti police station in-charge — Biswajit Saikia convinced her to hand over the infant. While the police officer took the infant from the woman, a team of SDRF rescued the woman.

Meanwhile, the accused husband was arrested by police and a case has been registered against the arrested Riyazuddin and his family.

The woman who is a master degree holder in Islamic religious studies stated that Riyazuddin and his family tortured her for several years for dowry and the torture increased when she gave birth to a baby girl.

The Assam Kaziranga University