The Assam Kaziranga University

In an unprecedented incident in Assam’s education sector, roughly a month after the announcement of the results of High School Leaving Certificate Examination (HSLC), another student secured a State rank.

Abinash Saharia, a very talented student of Sipajhar HS & MP School, in the previously announced results, scored only 53 marks in mathematics. The people of Sipajhar area expected good results from him. Their expectations were, however, disappointingly dashed.

The student and the educational institution he studied have been outraged by the negligence of the education board, SEBA.

The student as well as the school’s teachers, and his parents believed that re-checking the answer sheet of mathematics would yield good results. Accordingly, everyone discussed and applied for an answer sheet re-checking.

On Friday, SEBA ranked Abinash Saharia in 10th position, as per the newly declared results.

Abinash was able to score a perfect 100 marks in Mathematics. He immediately entered the list of ranked students. Abinash is presently placed 10th in the State among HSLC candidates. He now has an excellent grade of 588 out of 600.

The Assam Kaziranga University