The Assam Kaziranga University

The dreaded terrorist organisation Al Qaeda has identified Assam as a target. And it was proven beyond doubt following the arrest in Barpeta of Ansar Bangla member Md Suman alias Saiful Islam, a Bangladeshi national. Another disturbing fact that has recently come to light is that a few people from Bangladesh visited Assam under the guise of religious preachers and collected large sums of money.

According to police sources, there have been reports for several years that Al Qaeda was attempting to establish bases in Assam, and police and security agencies have recovered videos of Al Qaeda leaders speaking about spreading their wings in Assam and Myanmar.

The recent arrest of the Ansar Bangla member, however, proved beyond doubt that Al Qaeda has made a deliberate effort to establish bases in Assam, as the Bangladesh-based outfit is known to be a unit of Al Qaeda’s Indian subcontinent wing.

According to reports, the Assam Police Special Branch received a tip in September that a Bangladeshi national was working in Assam on behalf of Ansar Bangla and was reportedly in Guwahati.

The police diligently followed the information and eventually apprehended the terrorist from Howly in the Barpeta district, along with four others, on the night of March 4.

Saiful arrived in India three years ago, claiming to be from West Bengal. He also taught in a Madrassa. However, it has now been established that he is from Narayanganj in Bangladesh and came to Assam with the intention of establishing Ansar Ul Bangla bases.

According to reports, Ansar Bangla was responsible for the attacks on Durga Puja Pandals in Bangladesh last year, as well as inciting people to break Mahatma Gandhi statues.

Members of the outfit also attempted to cause havoc during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Bangladesh.

According to police sources, there have also been instances where people from Bangladesh came to Assam on tourist or medical visas and engaged in religious preaching in lower Assam districts, in complete violation of the visa rules.

According to sources, such outfits first radicalise the minds of the youths before beginning arms training. Another troubling fact is that terrorist groups frequently use cyberspace to indoctrinate youths, and while a close eye is kept on social media, it is impossible to monitor all messages.

The Assam Kaziranga University